
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reclaimed Shop Cabinet

This was a shop cabinet that I kept tools on in my old shop

My daughter ask if I could make here a cabinet for her living room out of it I really wanted to just build something new but for some darn reason she liked this set of shelves. Now it had been banged up, had oil on it, and who know what else in the year or so setting in the shop as you can see

I did little work on it. and l think it came it out pretty nice. I added some nice trim, made a top for it and did some art work of my grandkids on the top, then scraped and sanded the whole thing. and used a glaze and some paint to help hide some of the scars, then I gave it a few coats of poly.

The hardest part about this project was working on the tiny porch of our apartment. and trying to do the finish work out there with the wind and the rain always coming just after I got that last bit of finish laid down, well lets just stay it seemed like mother nature must not want me to of put poly on this thing, because every time I did she try to blow every thing she could right over stick to it. I guess she wanted me to use shellac.

If you would like to see more on this project of others I have done you can go to my project page on LumberJock.Com


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