
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Homemade Wooden Scraper Plane

Winters been long and without a shop, or a job to keep me busy I have had a lot of time to revisit all the woodworking magazine and books that I own. not to long ago on one of my sleepless night I ran across a article in a Fine Woodworking book on Proven Shop Tips by Jim Richey based on their methods of work section of their magazine. It was an article on a home made wooden scraper plane by Brady C Blake from Redwood Miss, and based on his ideas I came up with a version of my own,

I plan on using one of my old scrapers on its side, so the plane body will need be 3" wide to accommodate the 2 1/2 " scraper blade. I laminated it out of two pieces of 1 3/4" maple scrap that I have been saving just for such an occasion. I first cut two chunks wood to 3" by 12" and cleaned them up with my favorite #4 plane, and then glued them up in to a blank, then I sliced two 3/8" pieces off of each side.

The front of the throat needs to be cut at a 45 degree angle with a small 45 cut at the bottom, this is a exit for shavings. then a conclave that is about 1/32 for the 2 1/2" width, needs to rasped into the block, the wedge needs to match this conclave. this will bow the scraper blade and that is what makes it cut. the rear section of the throat is cut at 30 degree.

The blade needs to ground on a 45 degree, and honed as you would a plane iron.

The rest is just shaping the plane so it is comfortable to use and pleasant to look at, I thought about putting a handle on it, but I really think just a rounding it over will be comfortable to use. if not I can upgrade on my next one.

I use a scraper a lot and I am really looking forward to finishing and using this plane. I have been looking for a scraper plane for some time at the flea markets, not wanting to pay the $200 for one of the high end ones on the market, although it would be the one plane I think I would get my money out of.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/3/09 22:19

    Personally I LOVE not having a handle on my plane such as you described. I am a small woman with small hands and the rounded over tops give me soooo much more self control. I am not sure I am explaining that right. I just feel like I have more power without a handle.I think I would feel the same way if I were a big man!I guess everyone has their own personal preferances, but when it comes to what u are describing, I would much rather have NO handle. I love the old one I have like that!
    Allison of Wood-Alley
