
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lie Nelson Tool Event Cincinnati, Ohio

Sunday as you walked though the F&S Publications front door the first think that greeted you was this wonderful Demi Loom table with it wonerful inlay work. This was a display from the Society of American Period Furniture Makers or the SAPFM for short. Although I didn't get a chance to chat with the gentlemen at the booth because he was pretty busy with a group of men but I did get to talk to a very nice lady who was giving a demonstration on prepping satinwood stringing for inlay like the one in the photo below.

The guys at Pop Woodworkers had plenty of booths presenting lots of great information, along with the planes Lie Nelson had on display I was in tool heaven. This is great because I'm one of those kind of guys that needs to see and hold what I am buying, that is one reason I don't buy a lot off the Internet unless it is something that I have had a chance to check out. I got to hold all the tools I have been wanting to buy from the catalog and this in turn has caused me to reconsider a couple of them for another tool, mainly because of feel and fit.

I didn't really buy much, but I did pick up a couple of marking knife kits from Czeck Edge Tools one for my self, and one to make for a gift.
One of the best parts of the day was meeting and talking to Jameel from Benchcraft what a nice guy I really enjoyed talking to him. and his product is top notch I don't think there is any better on the market.

Another nice guy is Ron Hock from Hock Tools we talked for a little while and I got a couple of balsa airplanes from him for my grandsons. I do plan on ordering some new irons for a #6 and a # 3 Stanley from him later this year. Chris was showing his little girl how to plane wood in the fore ground at Ron's booth.
A big surprise was Bob giving pointers on low flow toilets in the men's rest room. I don't know where they had Norm hiding, maybe he was in the ladies room, who knows?

All in all it was a nice event for me and my wife. She wants to learn how to do inlay now so that's cool. I got to talk to a couple of the guys from the magazine and sneak a peek at Megan's LVL bench, talked to Glen Drake again he was great as always I really love his tools they are well made and comfortable.

I hope they do this again next year and maybe I'll have a little more time and money..
Be sure to check out Big Dave's Woodworking for his take on the event.


1 comment:

  1. Joey,

    Thanks for the update and the great pictures. I took a long look at your first pic of the Lie-Nielsen table. I am itching to try one of their new panel saws and am I to believe that they are making a draw knife now??? That would be awesome.
