
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Krylon Spray Stain

Recently I was asked to review Krylon’s new line of outdoor wood stain and sealer with a UV protector in a 12 OZ spray can. I was more than happy to test this new product.

I worked in shop back in early 90s that sprayed their stain on 75% of their work. I wonder why more shops didn’t do this; it certainly speeded up that part of the finishing process and with the right person behind the spray gun gave great results. The only problem is the process demands an outlay of money and a little time to master the technique to get setup to spray stain, and not all stains work well when sprayed. This is why most hobbyist and small shops don’t get involved with the spraying their stains.

Krylon to the rescue; Krylon has come out with a stain in their standard spray cans that will let anyone spray stain without all the hassles. I tried their product this afternoon and I can tell you, I really liked it. I made a small table for my porch out of some old 2 x 4s I had and then mounted it on a base that I made a few years ago. I was a little worried about the end gain absorbing the stain and appearing darker so I put a coat of diluted sealer on them. I sanded the top with some 100 grit on my sander. Then I sprayed a light coat on the top, starting with the edges. The can sprayed nice with its 360 adjustable nozzle that lets you change from a vertical to a horizontal flow. After I laid down a thin coat I wiped it off with a clean rag. The color was a little lighter then I was wanting and uneven. I should point out that I did not seal the top just the end gains on the edges. I let this coat dry for about an hour then I spray a second coat on this time I didn’t wipe off the stain I just let it dry, doing this gave me a nice even color across the whole top without hiding the grain pattern. I left it to dry for couple of hours then checked on it and still a little tacky to the touch.

My thoughts on this product, it’s easy to use and it will give you good results. I can see a lot of week end handy people using this along with crafters. It sprayed a nice even coat with no spitting and flowed nicely. Iit will save you time. I think just the time I spent staining the top without the time I waited for it to dry was about 6 minutes that includes clean up. That in its self is motivation to use it.

My only complains about the product is it only comes in a limited amount of colors for outdoor projects. I would love to see them come out with a line of indoor stains and more colors, maybe even some primary colors like red, blue, and green stains.

I plan useing this product on future projects, I have some outdoor chairs I need to build, and a trellis that needs stained and this product will be perfect for the job. So if you have some outdoor projects that you are planning give Krylon’s new stain a try, I am sure you will be pleased.


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