
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Shop Tour

Just wanted to show some you guys where I do my wood working these days. Yes its outside and its exposed to the weather so that can be good or bad. I do most my large work out in the grass on a portable work bench. The worse part of working this way is putting finish on my projects, between the wind which we have no shortage of here, and the neighborhood cats, and my own cats, finishing can be a challenge. I use oil for most of my finishing or shellac.  
This is my old bench, I just build a new bench, but it's at my daughter's house where I have been using it to fix some of her furniture. I don't know what I am going to do with this old bench top when I move my new bench over?

Well thats my shop!  I hope to show how I make the best use of what I got. I know it doesn't look like much but you will be surprise what can be accomplished with it, remember it's not always what you got, but how you use it.

I have always found the best way to work is to keep it simple, efficient, use quality tools that can be used for more that one purpose,  keep your tools sharp and well maintained,  and do the type of work you enjoy.

Have a peaceful day

1 comment:

  1. I like the top of your old work bench. It has a really broken in look to it. My workshop is indoors where I am at but I can feel already that the season is just about done for me here. No heat!
